My Experience and My Opinions

In this article I will give you my 10 reasons why I prefer Apple Safari over Google Chrome. It’s my experience and my opinions If you don’t agree with me on something let me know in the comments bellow. 

Today you have basically three main browser choices on your Mac. Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. I don’t use Firefox at all and I have never used so I will talk only about Chrome and safari in this video. I prefer Safari and it’s main default browser I use for regular web surfing. 

1. Safari is Built for the Mac

The first reason is because Safari is built for the Mac. So this is already a questionable reason. Are you using safari on a windows computer? I’ll give you an emoji cookie in the comment if you do. 

But as I said safari It’s built into the operating system and it’s definitely the most Mac-like interface and you don’t need to download anything extra. For most Mac users that’s reason enough to make it your default browser. There’s no reason to take up space on your drive with another app or or learn another ecosystem like Goggle’s for Chrome.

Safari is build for Mac

2. Battery Saving

Another advantage of safari is is if you’re using a MacBook. If you rely on a battery life that Safari is the best browser for conserving energy. It just uses less power so your battery will last longer.

Safari conserving battery

3. In Perfect Sync with Apple Devices

Now since Safari is made by Apple it works great across all your Apple devices. You can use iCloud Tabs to see your open tabs on different devices and of course Bookmarks will sync across all your different devices. So as you add bookmarks to Safari on your iPhone you’ll see them on your Mac as well. I don’t call it advantage over chrome. If you are logged in to your Goggle account you can do the same thing on Chrome. But having the closed ecosystem of different apple devices in perfect sync is so convenient. 

Apple devices in perfect sync

4. Reading List

Another thing what Chrome is missing is the Reading List. Reading List is a little set of Bookmarks on the left. You can quickly add articles to it and get to those articles later on. And again this syncs across all your different devices. You might be asking why do I need reading lists if I can use bookmarks? My question would be, how often do you review your bookmarks and delete the useless one? Imagine you see and interesting article on a bus on your iPhone which you want to read, why would you bookmark it. Maybe you are reading some new and you don’t need to read it over and over in that reading list come in very handy just save it for later, read it and it will be automatically cleaned up after. 

You can probably get some extension on chrome for offline reading but Safari and have this built-in. So it’s a clear winner in this point. 

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5. Reader View

Another thing that Safari have that Chrome doesn’t is Reader View. Reader View allows you to get rid of all the extra content on the page, including ads, and go right to basically a really nice version of the article that you can read. Chrome, of course, can’t really get rid of this because getting rid of the ads is kind of counter to Goggle’s business. Is it decisive function I need to have on my browser? No, it’s not but why not have something extra.

6. Password Manager

Safari also has a built-in Password Manager that makes it really nice to use. When you create new passwords, sign it to new website it automatically offers you to store these. But not the way that you will stay logged in all the time. It will always require your authentication when logging in so it’s convenient but still secure. If you have a device with touch ID it’s super easy to use, if not it’s still easier to type your apple password that remember thousands of them. You can always go to Preferences and then Passwords to go get access to any of your passwords. This syncs between all your Apple devices through iCloud. So you have these passwords then available on your iPhone, iPad, your other Macs.

Safari has a built-in Password Manager

7. Privacy

This leads me to my next reason which is Privacy. Safari is a clear winner in privacy over Chrome. Goggle’s main business is selling ads. So, of course, they want to track you as much as possible in order to get a higher price for their ads. Now it may not be a big deal to you. After all if you’re going to see ads on a website related to you and your interest. Maybe it’s you who is actually advertising on the web so you want people to see your add. But if you’re concerned about privacy at all then you should definitely stick with Safari.

Safari is a clear winner in privacy over Chrome

8. iCloud Tabs

One feature in Safari is something called iCloud Tabs. This allows me to see the web pages I have open on my other devices. I can jump right to those. It will list all open Safari tabs on devices connected to the same iCloud account. 

iCloud keeps the tabs you have open in Safari up to date on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac. That means you can go from one device to the next and pick up browsing wherever you left off.

9. Extensions Better on Chrome or Safari?

One thing that is usually counted as a plus for Chrome and a minus for Safari are Extensions. With a new macOS update you can add extensions to Safari as well as you could in Chrome for years. But Safari is really restrictive on how to add extensions. You have to add them through the Mac App Store which means they have to go through Apple and follow certain rules. 

Whether with Chrome you can get extensions from anywhere. This is kind of a security and also a privacy issue. You may not expect this but also an energy. One of the reasons that Chrome can eat up a lot of battery life for some people is an extension that simply uses too much power. It’s good that on safari you can actually choose one which pages you want the extension to be used so it’s not on all the time. You use it only when you need it

Variety of extensions on Chrome

To add extension os Safari you have to choose ,,Safari Extensions” from the menu bar which takes you to the Mac App Store. And after open Safari Preferences and on extensions tab you can activate them. It’s still new here and bit complicated so if you rely on some specific web browser extension it might be easier to use on Chrome

10. Loading Speed

Now the last item is speed. Measuring browser speed is really tough because there’s so many different factors. One page might load faster on one browser and another page might load faster on another browser. Apple is claiming that safari is the fastest browser, but I haven’t really test it. Anyway I don’t think there will be significant difference in speed. 

Which browser is faster?

So those are my ten reasons why I use Safari over Chrome. I still have google chrome available in case I need it. Sometimes I want to log it to a different account than I have one safari and I don’t want to log out on there. I can use second browser for that. But absence of many features like Reading List and Reader View and especially the privacy issues makes me even think of deleting chrome from my Mac. And Safari remain as  my default browser in 2020 as well. 

Let me know what you think about Chrome. Maybe you know about some great feature I miss and I would like to hear you opinion.

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